Big Creek, Big Sur
April 28, 2015
CA: Monterey Co: Big Sur: Landells-Hill Big Creek Reserve
Big Creek welcomes us with redwood wide, butterfly flutterin’, hummingbird buzzing arms. Today we hiked from Redwood Camp to Whale Point, then down to the beach – through dense evergreen forest, brushy cliffs, and seal-spotted rocks. The hummingbird feeders behind Feynner the reserve manager’s house attracted dozens of students and even more birds… the mysterious Lazuli call led to a bunting hunting, and finally nutella s’mores brought us home to camp.
April 29, 2015
Monterey Co: Big Sur: Landells-Hill Big Creek Reserve
Oohwee! What a day. We left camp around 9 am, heading up the interpretive trail to the overlook on Lower Dolan Ridge. High on the ridge we lost ourselves in good views, ladybugs, and the history of the native peoples who inhabited the area long before we stepped foot on it. When we continued on, thoughts of the past swirled with the present, a curious mixing of mountain time.
We rested again at a low point in the ridge, discussing fire ecology and how our management of fire has evolved over time. By a number of trails, we trekked back to camp, where the best burritos this side of the Santa Lucia’s were handcrafted by the cook crew (long may they reign). We ended the day seated by the fire, sharing what we saw and affirming one another as human beings experiencing the world. On to day three in Big Creek!
April 30, 2015
Monterey Co: Big Sur: Landells-Hill Big Creek Reserve
Today we took a slow walk to the warm spring along the Baronda Trail. We were met with dancing butterflies, warm mud, and a crisp and icy creek below. The spring was murky and stinky, but also warm and cozy. We had a free afternoon to frolic and study for the plant family quiz. Nature notes were inspiring and full of butterfly trains, insect railroads, and steelhead horse-drawn carriages.
May 1, 2015
Monterey Co: Big Sur: Landells-Hill Big Creek Reserve: Highlands Camp
Today, we all hiked from Redwood Camp up to Highlands Camp. The instructors seemed to omit the fact that we were hiking up through the clouds. We all had similar experiences entering the fog, being amazed at the stark contrasts in temperature and climate, then eventually breaking through the clouds and walking above the heavens. Again, another almost immediate transition in climate and plant communities became apparent. Lizards were caught, quail were seen, and a deer skull was discovered. We arrived at camp and prepared for a sunset walk to Gamboa Point. Nothing could have prepared us. Words don’t explain the sight we saw up on the point. We sat, just above the blanket of clouds, beneath the setting sun. The clouds were breathing and tumbling like waves, unfurling and wisping away into the air. The colors were changing every moment with the sun, every color blue and turquoise turning pink and orange. We shared an experience of love, and it was incredibly humbling, and we are greatly appreciative for being part of the lucky few who witness this beautiful, surreal scene.
May 2, 2015
Monterey Co: Big Sur: Landells-Hill Big Creek Reserve: Highlands Camp
Today, we took a long walk to Canogas Falls. Along the way we saw three separate serpentine patches and listened to a presentation on serpentine soils and specially adapted flora by Chris and Abby. The patches are low in nitrogen and phosphorous and high in magnesium and iron as well as other heavy metals. We also noticed the effects of fire throughout the landscape we were in. The manzanita was growing from older stumps and presumably roots, as a result of the 1985 Rat Creek fire.
We made it to Canogas Falls and swam in the beautiful blue waters. We also found a California newt. And a blue butterfly found its way to Melina’s nose, so precious! The bottom of the falls and creek was interestingly grippy – not slimy. Very interesting. We ended the day with guests (Feynner, Sean, Lawrence, Lucy, Luis, Laura, and Gwen) and some pesto pasta. A fine day indeed.
May 4, 2015
Monterey Co: Los Padres National Forest: The Indians
Today was a travellin’ day. We crossed over the Santa Lucia mountains into the glorious rainshadow after hiking from Highlands Camp to the Big Creek entrance. Mountain quail, a golden eagle, and a munchin’ coyote welcomed us to the Indians. We explored the creek and ate turkey vulture soup while Fred told us her bat stories… a massive bullfrog wished us goodnight and we tromped to bed! May the 4th be with you all…
May 5, 2015
Monterey Co: Los Padres National Forest: Memorial Campground
On our last day of this trip we drove up and over the hill, from the Nacimiento river to the Arroyo Seco watershed. Feeling history at the grinding stones near Memorial Camp, we headed up the river, following the canyon to a series of pools, exploring and sharing the whole way. Chad “dragon-flew his face off”, many of us tromped through thick stands of chamise and poison oak, and we all felt that curious mix of tired and happy as we headed back to camp, where we celebrated Cinco de Mayo in classic NHFQ fashion: spicy burritos and Tecate. We ended the night with a sharing of stories and gratitude, reflecting on the first two trips and looking forward to the next two. On to Mendocino!